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North Carolina Property Records & Home Prices

The state of North Carolina has a population of over 10 million and has gained almost one million new residents in the past decade. With a large influx of tenants and homebuyers, the Tar Heel State provides robust real estate opportunities.

North Carolina's average property price is $341,840, making it a sought-after location for affordable residential and commercial real estate.

Property Records for Cities in North Carolina

North Carolina's cities have a high demand for residential and rental properties because of its massive growth of new residents in recent years. Its state capital, Raleigh, Charlotte, and Chapel Hill, have thriving local markets and steady job growth, making it a hotspot for residential real estate investing.

There are also diverse opportunities for commercial property investments with its booming tech market in Research Triangle Park to Charlotte's headquarters for global finance firms, like Bank of America and Wells Fargo.

Additionally, North Carolina is home to globally recognized universities, including Duke University and Wake Forest University, contributing to local property value for residents and investors.

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